- ATHE: Association for Theatre in Higher Education
- NAST: National Association of Schools of Theatre
- SDC: Stage Directors and Choreographers Society
- TCG: Theater Communications Group
- U/RTA: University/Resident Theatre Association
- United Scenic Artists
- Institute of Outdoor Drama
- SETC: Southeastern Theatre Conference
- STAA: Shakespeare Theatre Association of America
- Stage Managers Association
- OISTAT: International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects, and Technicians
- USITT: US Institute for Theatre Technology
- WAMC: Women in Arts and Media Coalition
- Association for Theatre in Higher Education Serving “college and university theatre departments and administrators, educators, graduate students, and theatre practitioners.”
- Dramatist’s Play Service – Leading play supplier.
- Dramatist’s Guild of America – Protecting the interests of playwrights, composers and lyricists
- Americans for the Arts – Arts advocacy group
- The College of Fellows of the American Theatre has created a new website that we should all check out www.thecollegeoffellows.org. The site includes nearly 50 major addresses that have been presented by Fellows since 1965! elinerThese are addresses by such notable academics as Oscar Brockett, Harry Elam, Jorge Huerta, Margaret Wilkerson, Helen Chinoy, Vera Roberts, and Richard Moody and by such professionals as Jennifer Tipton, William Ivey Long, Jack O'Brien, Romulus Linney, Norris Houghton, Gerald Freedman, and Edward Stern. The complete texts of these speeches can be found on the website listed under "Stevens Speeches." Most of them have never been published. These would be valuable readings for any students and scholars studying American theatre.